Thursday, September 18, 2008

Golden Acre September

Golden Acre Update
Thanks, Verde, for the label (pictured above). To see all labels, visit Justice Desserts, my all-time fave blog.

Planted: Transplanted Thai and opal basil into big pots for wintering-over indoors.

Harvested: Tomatoes, okra, rainwater, grass cuttings for compost

Prepped: Continued to prep beds for next spring. My son Jacob brought us a frame for composting that I had sketched. I appreciate all he does for us.

Managed: Completely reorganized my kitchen. Cleaned out the garage. Put together a load for Goodwill. Sorted fabrics and craft items. Made bedroom drapes and kitchen curtains.

Stored: Canned tuna and chicken salad, shrimp boil, canned cream soups, Alfredo sauce, tomato paste

Cooked something new: Sicilian meatballs using the recipe of my friend’s grandmother. We fed three family meals off the batch then froze the other six batches.

Local Food Systems: Continue to purchase produce and milk from local suppliers.

Herbs: Purchased 100 empty tea bags to bag herbs for foot soaks. I’m making potpourri from this summer’s fragrant herbs. I decanted the gingko biloba, saw palmetto, ginseng, and lavender oil. My husband was very happy with the Saw Palmetto and its effects. I love the foot soaks. I also started making holiday gifts out of herbs, oils and salves.