From Holly Conway: New video game research out today, may confirm what you already thought- the more you play video games, the more likely you are to become a pot head. Researchers found that of the 800 college students they talked to, those who played video games on a daily basis smoked twice as much pot as those who only play occasionally, and 3 times more pot than those who don’t play video games at all! And believe it or not the video game stoners also said the same thing when asked if they think smoking pot is bad for you… “what was the question?”
There’s so much to laugh and smile about. The Buddhists believe that one should keep a smile on the face. Witness the Dalai Lama.
There’s so much to laugh and smile about. The Buddhists believe that one should keep a smile on the face. Witness the Dalai Lama.
My father used to say, “Smile, it makes people wonder what you’ve been doing.”